How Metal Shield Film Can Lower Austin Building Maintenance Costs for Elevators
Graffiti is happening at unprecedented levels all across the country. And unfortunately, Austin is no exception. Once known as a relatively safe city, increases in population have caused crime rates in Austin to skyrocket. In 2017, Austin saw a dramatic increase in crime rates. Many business owners, schools, and public buildings like libraries and shopping centers are suffering from this crime spike primarily due to the property damages that have been inflicted.
Graffiti is very expensive to repair, but it’s also difficult to prevent. Places like stairwells and elevators are closed off from the public eye. When the doors shut, vandals have plenty of time to inflict damage and can easily escape without ever getting caught. Fortunately, we have a solution. Metal Shield can lower Austin building maintenance costs for elevators and save a fortune on repairs.
Metal Shield: Durable Graffiti Protective Film
Metal Shield is a special type of “window film” that’s designed to protect against graffiti. Created by the brilliant minds at Graffiti Shield, Metal Shield provides Austin building owners with a more affordable alternative to elevator repairs and replacement. Metal Shield is an extra thick film that resembles stainless steel and is designed to cover up and protect against various forms of graffiti.
Once applied, Metal Shield prevents the underlying surface from being ruined by scratching, marking, or corrosion. And the best part is, it’s replaceable too! If the film ever gets tagged, you can simply remove it and have a new film installed for a fresh appearance.
Metal Shield Vs. Elevator Repairs/Replacement
Many business owners put off elevator repairs because they believe they have more important matters at hand. Before long, they get used to the sight of graffiti, but unfortunately their customers do not. Graffiti can raise questions about safety and deter people from coming back to visit, potentially costing hundreds of dollars in lost revenue. Studies show that every $1 in deferred maintenance costs costs $4 in capital renewal.
So, why not have the surface repaired or replaced? Unfortunately, this is expensive. Repairs can take hours to complete, causing an elevator to be out of use for quite some time. And replacement panels can cost up to $1,500. Metal Shield averages at a cost of under $100 per panel and is a more affordable alternative and also much quicker to install.
Get a Quote on Metal Shield for Elevator Repairs in Austin
Don’t put off your elevator repairs any longer! They may only get worse! Instead, call Window Film Austin to schedule your free onsite consultation or receive an estimate on Metal Shield for your elevator repairs in Austin.