Why Every First Floor Office in Downtown Blank Needs Decorative Privacy Films

Privacy is hard to come by in downtown Austin’s bustling streets. If your office or business happens to be ground level, it’s even harder! There are many privacy solutions out there: drapes, curtains, and blinds.  However,  these methods are not nearly as powerful as something like decorative window film that gives coverage and has a ton of other benefits too.

The Benefits of Window Film

  1. Decorative Window Film is Cost-Effective:  Window film is the most cost-effective, long-term privacy solution. It’s durable and less expensive than custom blinds or curtains.  These types of privacy solutions fade, go out of style, or break.  Decorative window film, on the other hand, lasts up to 20 years before needing replacement.  This makes it a much more affordable solution than any other. 
  2. Decorative Window Film is Easy To Apply And Remove: Window film is an excellent solution for providing privacy without committing to a permanent look. In less than one day, most of the time in only hours, window film can be applied and removed with ease by professionals.  This means no downtime for your office space to have it installed and removed.  But, it also means no long-term commitment to one aesthetic. 
  3. Decorative Window Film is Totally Customizable: Window film is an excellent way to make your office stand out from the rest. You can put a company logo or even a piece of art on your office front windows.  With HD decorative films you can get nearly any design imaginable.  When you work with us, our CAD artists will work closely with you in designing something that compliments your office inside as well as outside!
  4. Decorative Window Film is Beautiful:  Window film is not just functional as a privacy solution but also an exciting way to market your business. The visual impact of window decorations can leverage the power of location for advertising.   This is perfect for downtown Austin businesses that want more clients to walk through the door.  Or for other businesses that want more brand recognition. 

For more information on our extensive catalog of decorative films or if you have an idea for a window film display–contact us today for a free consultation. 

Mike Kinsey is a window film expert. For the past 10 years, he has been working as the Operations Manager at Window Film Austin and overseeing commercial and residential window film installs of all types throughout the Austin area and the state of Texas. His extensive background in construction and project management gives him an in-depth understanding of architecture and the structural composition of buildings. Over the years, he and his team have installed over 250,000 square feet of window film ranging from robust security films to progressive energy efficient and decorative options. Mike engages in professional development courses and seminars on a regular basis, allowing him to stay up to date on industry trends and innovations. He is one of the top experts in his field and is certified by 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.

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