Stay Safe with Security & Loss Prevention Window Film for Austin Businesses

The resiliency of America’s small businesses never ceases to amaze us. First, they had to combat the effects of a ruthless pandemic earlier this year. Now, many are being subjected to ongoing violence happening as a result of nationwide protests.

Our hearts go out to Austin businesses that are being affected right now. We want you to know that we’re here to support you in your time of need. Our security and loss prevention window film systems are available to all Austin businesses in need. For a low cost, you can have this window film installed on your storefront to provide addition protection for your brick and mortar location.

Loss Prevention Window Film: What Is It & How Can It Help?

Loss prevention film is a remarkable security tool, especially if you’re a small business with a limited budget. Basically, it’s specialized type of window film designed to provide security by preventing break ins and theft accomplished through the act of smashing and grabbing. It’s adhered to glass and held in place with ultra strong bonding mechanisms. Once it’s fully installed, it provides superhero-like strength for your windows, protecting them from violent acts and physical trauma.

What It Looks Like in Action

There are countless videos online that show what loss prevention film looks like in action. You can watch anyone of these and see how effective it really is.

Basically, when a criminal tries to smash a window with a crowbar or other object, they can’t. The glass bends and flexes, preventing them from break it. In some cases, they might end up breaking a small section of the glass if they hit it repeatedly. But even then, they can’t get into the store because the tear resistant film is still attached to the window frame. Most of the time, the criminals are either apprehended or give up and walk away.

How to Get Security Film for your Building

You can install security film for your Austin building by calling our office today. Contact us to let us know about your security needs and we’ll help you find the right solution!

Mike Kinsey is a window film expert. For the past 10 years, he has been working as the Operations Manager at Window Film Austin and overseeing commercial and residential window film installs of all types throughout the Austin area and the state of Texas. His extensive background in construction and project management gives him an in-depth understanding of architecture and the structural composition of buildings. Over the years, he and his team have installed over 250,000 square feet of window film ranging from robust security films to progressive energy efficient and decorative options. Mike engages in professional development courses and seminars on a regular basis, allowing him to stay up to date on industry trends and innovations. He is one of the top experts in his field and is certified by 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.

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