Top Three Window Film Benefits our Customers Just Love

Here at Window Film Austin, we are proud to say we have a lot of happy customers. Of course, we believe our stellar customer service has a lot to do with it. However, a good part of it definitely comes from the efficacy, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness of window film itself. We consistently get customers reaching out to us to let us know just how much of an impact these films made on their homes (and bills)! Keep reading to learn the three most common benefits that these customer love about their window film investment.

  1. Heat Control:  Texas is a hot weather state, even though we get a lot of ice storms in the winter. This means in the summer, solar heat gain, which heats up homes via heat transfer through windows is a big issue here. Regardless of how low you set your A/C, you will always be fighting an uphill battle. This is because radiation is heating the glass of your windows and forcing the A/C in your Austin home to run constantly. This is where window film comes in. Window film provides nearly invisible protection for your windows reducing 67% of the sun’s heat and cooling costs by up to 30%.  
  2. Glare:  Unless you live somewhere like the forest–glare is a big problem for your home life. Here in Austin, we get a lot of intense glare because the sun is so intense along the prairie. This is why a common reason people come to us for window film is to get rid of glare. We offer some very powerful glare-reducing window films. When customers have them applied, they are amazed at how much more comfortable and practical their homes become. The result is less eye strain from squinting, fewer headaches from sun exposure, and clearer views of screens are all things they are happy about.
  3. Fading: The sun’s UV rays deteriorate and fade almost anything that they touch. Since they are especially strong here in Austin, homeowners here really see a lot of damage from fading on floors, artwork, and upholstery. All the window films we carry block 99.9% UV protection. Meaning–those people who buy window film for privacy, security, or light control also see first hand how much slower their furnishings are fading. 

For more information about window film for your Austin area home, reach out to us today!

Mike Kinsey is a window film expert. For the past 10 years, he has been working as the Operations Manager at Window Film Austin and overseeing commercial and residential window film installs of all types throughout the Austin area and the state of Texas. His extensive background in construction and project management gives him an in-depth understanding of architecture and the structural composition of buildings. Over the years, he and his team have installed over 250,000 square feet of window film ranging from robust security films to progressive energy efficient and decorative options. Mike engages in professional development courses and seminars on a regular basis, allowing him to stay up to date on industry trends and innovations. He is one of the top experts in his field and is certified by 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.

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