Myths about Facts Bomb Blast Window Film

Bomb blast window film is a powerful security measure for Austin buildings that could be considered targets of a bomb attack. It is a way to make sure even the highest security zones in places like airports, hotels, post offices, and police stations stay secured against the higher probability of attack. However, there is a lot of misinformation about windows films out there including bomb blast window film.  Below we have outlined some of these inconsistencies and why they are wrong.

Top 3 Window Film Myths

When it comes to window films of all sorts what people have heard is often different from what is true. We run across these types of inconsistencies all the time here at Window Film Austin. However, the fiction versus the reality of bomb blast window films are very different and can easily be countered by fact.

Myth #1: Bomb Blast Window Only Stops Bombs

Fact: While bomb blast films are potent protection from bombs–they also stop bullets and debris from high-powered storm/tornado winds.  Another way bomb blast films protect, and one most people don’t realize is–they protect from UV radiation.  That’s right, bomb blast film, like most window films, block 99.9% of the sun’s harmful rays.

Myth #2:Bomb Blast Window Film Doesn’t Work

Fact: Bomb blast window film has been tested extensively against many different explosion and blast standards and is proven to keep glass shards intact and reduce flying glass shrapnel.  You can find out more by looking on trusted window film websites like 3M or Hanitas–two of the top bomb blast film brands.

Myth #3: Bomb Blast Window Film Blocks View

Fact: This myth is popular in almost any type of window film but not at all true. Security film ranges from no tint to a moderate tint. It really comes down to what tint you choose.  

Learn More About Bomb blast Film in Austin

To find out more about bomb blast window film contact us here at Austin Window Film and let us help you sort out fact from fiction! We will come to your location and do a free security assessment to help you better understand what film you need and how it will impact your Austin location.

Mike Kinsey is a window film expert. For the past 10 years, he has been working as the Operations Manager at Window Film Austin and overseeing commercial and residential window film installs of all types throughout the Austin area and the state of Texas. His extensive background in construction and project management gives him an in-depth understanding of architecture and the structural composition of buildings. Over the years, he and his team have installed over 250,000 square feet of window film ranging from robust security films to progressive energy efficient and decorative options. Mike engages in professional development courses and seminars on a regular basis, allowing him to stay up to date on industry trends and innovations. He is one of the top experts in his field and is certified by 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.

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